Anthony and I met over three years ago in June of 2006 and I pretty much knew immediately that he was my husband. We dated for over 2 years before getting engaged and now have been married over a year. It has been a tough year for both of us with job issus, the loss of a child, and a few personal struggles on both of our ends. I also finished graduate school from August-May of our marriage so everything was always chaotic but nonetheless happy. Lately, we have been in one of the hardest times of our lives with losing the baby a little over 2 months ago and tons of financial concerns. I can honestly say that in three years, THIS is the most in love with my husband I have ever been.
Not only has he fully supported us for our entire marriage but also he has done it with a good attitude and a smile on his face. He has done over and above for us like giving me a great birthday and anniversary when the money was extra tight. He has loved me, put up with me, taken care of me, and been a great father to the little one that we had for only 11 weeks! :) I seriously am so lucky to have such a great husband and I can't get enough of him! It's crazy to actually fall in love with someone more every day...like we said in our vows! :)
Sigh...Just thought I would share that the 50% divorce rate is not present in this house..we work hard through hard times and love each other more through the toughness! Thank you Jesus for my Anthony!