Sunday, December 18, 2005

Another date and still liking it

Some of you know that I have been interested in a certain boy for some time. It's been a hard road for us because of some past issues for him but overall, it's been so much fun. Last night we went on another date and it went so well. We had such a good time together just eating dinner and watching Napolean Dynamite. I hardly ever have as good of a time with anyone else besides him. I am hoping I will get to see him one more time before I head to Indiana for 12 days.

Speaking of that, I am so stoked to head to Indiana this coming week. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family again. I am a little under the weather right now with a cold or sinus problems and yesterday I got into a car accident so I am just ready to pack up my gear and head east. Just so you aren't alarmed, my car accident was just a fender bender but if any of you know know that is so sad to me.

I am also looking forward to the new year and making new resolutions. I know I didn't meet all 50 of my resolutions this year but I worked hard and got a few of them taken care of. I am excited to make new and more reasonable ones. I hope you are all doing ok. Have a great Holiday season and I love you all!


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