Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Enjoying the first stage of attraction.

Don't you love those first few dates of a new relationship? I sure do. I am seeing someone new and it's really a fun time. We have been getting to know each other for a few weeks and I have found out wonderful things in this short time. We had our first date on Saturday (Nov 19th) and have our second one tonight. I am looking forward to it since we have decided to go bowling. I have a good time doing whatever with whomever but he makes things even better.

Life is going alright for me. I leave tomorrow morning to head up to Nor Cal with Heather to spend Thanksgiving with her family. I am looking forward to seeing her family and also just spending a few days supporting Heather through a rough time. I am also just looking forward to getting away from work and responsibilities to enjoy myself. I know that money will be scarce with the holidays approaching but sometimes,...you just have to enjoy your friends and family. Money is not going to matter when it's all over!

Well please pray for my new relationship that has just started and also for safety while we travel tomorrow. I will update everything when I am back. I am also going to be downloading pictures onto my web-site soon of Disneyland and me and my new favorite boy, Aaron!

Have a great day Ya'll


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