Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter...even now in death...

Today is not just president's day in the Lewis house. It would have been Jamie's Due date. February 15th is a bittersweet day for Anthony and myself. It is bitter for obvious reasons but sweet because no matter what, we were parents. We valued every second of the weeks that Jamie was able to be alive. We realize that without me, he never was able to be alive but we are able to accept that now and know that although it was hard, we know that God still loves us and has our best interest at heart. Anthony and I are starting a tradition on this day of having a special dinner in honor of our little one. As I laid in bed, this song came to mind. I pray that I can continue to feel this way through my grief process and the movement to one day try again. Thank you all so much for your support through this and I would appreciate your prayers for continued healing over our hearts.

1 comment:

Bridgett Owens said...

I pray that your spring will come! I know the winter is long and hard so I will pray for you and Anthony to be surrounded by the warmth and love of the LORD as He embraces you, leads you and carries you into new journeys separately and together!! My heart aches for you and I know you are near God's heart now. Heaven must be sweeter now as your sweet little one waits for you!
Gentle Hugs,