Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Welcome 2013

Well it's officially the year I will be a mommy! Today was surreal waking up and realizing that. I am so incredibly blessed to have my little family and am really looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in 2013.

My resolutions are of the utmost importance and I woke up with them on my mind today. I watched my nephews this morning for my sister and felt a deep sense of love and compassion for them in knowing that I was building that relationship even more in the New Year.

I will be watching my nieces this afternoon as well and look forward to time with them. I learned this morning that my little sister is going through a bit of a crisis and it went right through my mind to pray for her and be available in what ways I could be. I really am praying that God moves my heart in relationships this year.

I am 30 weeks pregnant as of yesterday and every day closer to due date is making me so excited to see my little dude. The plan for today is to see my nieces, run a few errands, work on the nursery and other household chores and then have New Years Dinner with my sister Hilliary and her family and my mama. I want to invite Britt as well so maybe I will see my whole family today :)

Later on in the evening:

New Year's was absolutely fabulous. I was able to see all 5 of my nieces and nephews. Each one of them is so special to me and adds so much happiness and joy to my life. Living in Indiana the last year has been so great because I get to watch them grow and change daily instead of twice a year. I also ran to CVS and was able to get a pack of diapers (after coupons and Extra Care bucks) for FREE. They actually paid me 70 cents to take those diapers off their hands. I love a great deal! This year will really require me to be creative and frugal in that I am officially not working and we are on Anthony's income and Scentsy income for a while. We are not sure yet if I am going to go back to work in the fall or not but that is also not something we can really decide until meeting Max and seeing what the challenge of being a mom and a Type I diabetic will mean for us.

Later in the evening, I cooked a New Year's Meal for my family of Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Cheesy Potato Casserole. We ate at Hilliary's house and watched a few movies and just enjoyed the boys while they played around us. It is always good to take the time to really enjoy your family and be in the moment. We got home around midnight and Anthony and I cuddled up on the couch and watched "X-Men: Origins." My husband is so into Comic Book movies and Superheroes so part of my supporting his hobbies and interests this year will be exposing myself to all of the movies and characters he loves.

We would have liked to get something done on Max's room but we really didn't take the time to do that. I am hoping to get some other cleaning done tomorrow that will help me really show his room attention and begin to get organized for the big day! Lastly, we got some organization done after all when we upgraded my Iphone and cleaned off unneeded pictures, apps, etc... so that my phone is more streamlined for the job of mommying. It is interesting how clutter in every facet of your life really annoys you when you are about to have a child. I have lost emails, pictures, and contacts by not keeping up on my electronics properly and letting clutter in these areas over take me. I have been careful lately not to spend too much time on the computer or social media in hopes of de-cluttering and making my time more valuable for Anthony, Max, and mainly Jesus.

Well, the first day of 2013 has come to a close and I really was happy with my priorities for the day and spending time with those I love. I did my first day of Bible reading and it is always enlightening to begin studying Creation, Jesus' birth, and wisdom books at the beginning of the year. I am so looking forward to my journey with Jesus this year as a mommy/wife/woman of God.

All of my love in 2013


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