So I was reading a blog I have recently become very into called Mighty Girl and found that she did a "Life List" and it totally inspired me. Although she has chosen many things I would not choose myself, it made me think about the things I would really want to do before I leave this planet. There are so many that I think this could really span several blog entries. For tonight, I decided to just do 20 and see where that takes me. I hope this inspires to not only write your list but also achieve the things on your list. Let's all live while we are here.
1. Learn to speak Spanish fluently
2. Learn to play an instrument well (I like guitar, drums, piano)
3. Watch the 1001 movies that I should see before I die from the aptly named book.
4. Read the 1001 books that I should read before I die from list on the internet (I have read a ton of these)
5. Learn to ballroom dance
6. Get to my goal weight and stay there.
7. Fall in love with exercise
8. Learn a new recipe every month of my life.
9. Own a home that I truly love.
10. Own a Ford Mustang (brand new) and do with it what I want.
11. Visit all 50 states and see the things that are truly remarkable in each.
12. Go to Vegas every six months of my life and stand where I married my husband.
13. Write a devotional for therapists
14. Write a novel
15. Visit Italy and France and enjoy the awesome food and sights.
16. Scrapbook my niece and nephew's life until they are 18 and give them books on their 18th birthdays.
17. Play softball on a league again.
18. Buy a dress I love myself in and go out on the town with my hubby in it.
19. Wear a bikini and look great in it.
20. Try 100 new foods.
That is it for tonight but I know there are millions where those came from. I love the idea of a life list. It makes me want to get up tomorrow and start on it! :)
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