Friday, January 06, 2006

Another day, another goal

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog for the second day running that I have been able to write in it. I have had this blog for some time and I used to just blog to death but I found that I started having an actual life after Adolfo and chose to stop doing so. I am going to be blogging a bit more in it now but only for my own sanity, not to share anything personal and big!

You may be wondering what is going on in my life and I will go ahead and fill you in on the not so personal and not so exciting details. First of all I am still working on Grad School applications and I have been so bad about putting these things off. I have really beat around the bush and it's time to get serious about it in 2006. Today's goal comes from that mega-goal. My dating life is going well. I will not be saying anything about my current relationship on here but that I am enjoying my life and I am doing fine.

My health is not at its best as I have been also putting off weight loss. Not in a huge way like eating everything I want but just not doing all the work that I know will get the job done. Again, it's time to get serious! My friends (as I said yesterday) are all struggling and scattered so I am hoping that in the next month we will see some incline in the news. I am not sure that it is going to happen, but we can always hope and pray.

Today's goal for me is going to be focused on my second major goal of the new year. Getting into Graduate School! I have decided to get all of my envelopes ready today for my applications and make a checklist for each packet therefore creating organization. That doesn't sound like a lot but it's probably an hour task down in the process. Please pray because there are just tons of things that I need to do for Grad School prep. I also need to take the GRE rather soon so please pray for money and time for that. I have applications to fill out, things to write, recommendations to get, fees to pay..etc... and it's killing me to think about everything so one step at a time.

Yesterday my goal was to drink 8 glasses of water and I sure got it done. I wasn't even floating either because I did a lot of stuff yesterday that required hydration. Hurray for me. I am getting closer to being a healthy individual. ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Have a great day ya'll and enjoy your weekend. If I don't get to write on the weekend, I'll update on Monday!

Happy Friday!

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