Monday, November 08, 2004


Hello everyone. I will explain the strange choice of title today but not until I cover how amazingly good God is. God is so great to me and teaches me beyond what I could ever imagine him to teach me. I spent this weekend in a phase of life’s classroom. I wept more than I have ever wept in my life this weekend. I grieved things that I didn’t even know made me sad. I cried out to God on issues that have been spanning years of time. I spent my Saturday feeling somewhat alone but intimately close to my Savior.

I, for the first time in a long time, really opened myself up to feel things that I was scared to feel before. I know where I am with God and I know where my heart is and what it desires. I am feeling more secure in His presence than I ever have. As I stated the other day in a post, I used to be very co-dependent upon other people in my life. I have no problem with friendships, romantic relationships, or family ties but I certainly feel very strongly about having a very personal and intimate time with your savior and learning that His love is sufficient for you. Healthy relationships are not co-dependent!!!

That being said, it’s time to explain the word INTERMISSION. Back in the day when movies were really long and good…*Like Gone with the wind* they had intermissions in them so you could stretch, get something to eat, go to the bathroom, and things of that nature. I am a supporter of the “intermission” and think it has lost its place in society. We can watch Harry Potter without blinking an eye …much less going to the potty! This post isn’t about movie intermissions but LIFE intermissions. I was thinking about this today and I came upon this idea.

This weekend I experienced what I believe to be a life intermission. The idea of intermission is that there is more movie to come and you are waiting to see what the ending is. It wouldn’t be good to give an intermission during the first 5 minutes of the movie, nor would it be good to give an intermission and not come back. There is always something waiting on the other side of intermission. The unwrapping of some huge story will be after that blank screen. I believe that God and I are in intermission.

I am in a place where I have NO idea what God is doing. He is “setting the stage” for something HUGE. I have no idea where he is taking me but I know it’s exciting. I have no idea what is going to happen in my career but I am stoked about seeing it come about. I don’t know whom I am going to marry but he is perfect for me and God is really working on him too! I don’t know what is going to come of Christopher or my job at Richmond but God is truly working. He literally communicates with me in analogies because I tend to understand better. This is the analogy that we ,me and God, came up with.

Intermission is defined in several different ways and I thought I would jot those down and show you all what God was saying to me (I might be called to preaching!) ha

Here are the definitions and how they relate….

The act of suspending activity temporarily – I am always in “activity” in some way or another. This was a great lesson to me because it refers to suspending activity temporarily and that is exactly what God wants to do with me sometimes. I am so busy at times that I forget that my most important relationship is the one I have with Him. Intermission is a necessity at times in the walk with Christ. That is how God used intermission first and foremost in our little time together.
A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something – I think the part that really matters in this definition is TIME. I wrote about time a few posts ago and it is still so important today. Time is essential in a complete walk with God. Making time for God is not the idea…making time for other things while giving your life to God is the task at hand. We need to sometimes have a temporary cessation of SOMETHING. That is what is so amazing about God, He will help us make time for other things if we rest in Him!

There are other definitions for this word but I figure you are probably getting it now. God has me in intermission and I am just resting and stretching and relieving myself with Him in my company. We are slowly learning how to walk together because I am a slow learner…but catching up. Thanks for reading my long winded post today and I love you all very much ~Shalom~

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