Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, I have decided to write my own, 2012 I have a Dream Speech. I hope you all are encouraged to dream for bigger and better things in the new year.
I am happy to join with you, my blogging community today to celebrate a great man who 4 score and 9 years ago, gave a speech to call for racial equality and to end discrimination. Although that speech did not reverse all racism and discrimination, it certainly created a snowball effect that has changed the course of our country's history as well as my own personal history. It was rooted in the idea that we have an "American Dream." Although we still face difficulties in this nation, I am still dreaming and thought I would share some of my dreams with you in my own personal, "I have a Dream Speech!"
I have a dream that one day there will be no one following Anthony and I around a store asking if they can help us over and over.
I have a dream that one day people won't tell me how "okay" they are with my marriage and think they are being kind.
I have a dream that one day the world will truly be "diabetic friendly."
I have a dream that one day people will realize that even with diabetic advances, we do not get to live a "normal" life. (Try taking 5 shots a day or living with a pump attached to you and see if you feel normal.
I have a dream that one day all people will think before getting married, that it is a lifelong commitment and is to be taken seriously.
I have a dream that one day we will require more than just reproductive organs to become a "parent."
I have a dream that one day Jesus will not be mocked by his own people. (Some unbelievers have more respect than believers)
I have a dream that one day my worth as a woman will be centered around my character and actions, and not on my measurements or my ability to bear children.
I have a dream that one day my ears will not have to hear any people, especially those of color, using racial slurs.
I have a dream that one day people will acknowledge miscarriage as a loss and not say insensitive things like "You can always try again" or "It must have been meant to be."
I have a dream that one day people will stop smoking cigarettes around children, as it is not their choice to take cancer into their little bodies.
I have a dream that one day cancer will no longer be a threat at all
I have a dream that one day child abuse and neglect will hold much harsher punishment.
I have a dream that one day therapy will be people's first step to solving problems and looking for help rather than their last ditch resort.
I have a dream that one day every child will know that they are smart and capable, even if their strengths are not in the academic realm
I have a dream that one day it will become difficult for people to break their promises.
I have a dream that one day wives will speak highly of their husbands more frequently and not disparage them in front of others. (Here is an idea, marry someone that you respect)
I have a dream that one day I will change the world in some small way.
Happy Birthday MLK! Thank you for how you changed my life personally for the wonderful!
--Erica L. (King) Lewis :)
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