Sunday, December 30, 2012
New Year, New Title, New baby!
Today, it is December 30th and that means I am gearing up for my annual resolutions. I have always been a firm believer in making New Year's resolutions. I love a fresh start even if it is a Monday and I just want to do better in getting my chores around the house accomplished. I love goals and find that in my life, I have never achieved anything without having a goal in mind and steps to achieve it. Also, I am a psychotherapist by trade and that makes me very centered on measurable progress. That all being said, today's post is about changes.
This year brings not only a fresh year in 2013 but I gain a new title this year, Mommy. I have already accumulated several titles including Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Therapist, Tutor, Wife, Friend, Christian, and now the all encompassing,....Mommy. Some of these titles mean the world to me like Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Wife and then others are things that I love doing and being but they hold much less power for me like Therapist, Tutor, and anything else that is about my own personal achievements. The one that stands above all others and guides all of the other titles is Christian. This year, I am really hoping to focus all of my attention on resolutions that bring that title into focus more readily.
Another thing that has been a focus in the past is writing several resolutions as well as learning experiences from the previous year. I think that has been very helpful for me in finding out where I am with God, learning about myself, learning about life in general, and gearing up for another year of learning. That being said, I will start today's post with five monumental things I feel that I learned in 2012.
1. I learned that nothing is within my power in terms of life/death. Making a baby is "easy" according to some but in our case it was a journey. I learned that when I gave up my control and fasted/prayed and trusted God that maybe I wasn't going to be a mother at all, I gained peace. I gained peace over my losses and peace over my future.
2. I learned that taking care of oneself is the best gift you can give your husband, your family, and yourself. Being able to step out of your medical comfort zones and take a leap of faith really does pay off. I was able to commit to the insulin pump in August and my health has been better this year than in the last 17 years of having Type I diabetes.
3. I learned that being pregnant doesn't make me any more special than I was before. When I was watching woman after woman get pregnant and face enormous amounts of jealousy after losing my first child, I was so centered on them being "special" or called. The truth is, this is not a calling or does not make me any more special. My relationship with Christ makes me have worth. My relationship with my husband makes me feel loved. My being created fearfully and wonderfully makes me know that Christ died for me and all others. There is no division line between moms and childless women. We are all in this together and I pray that this learning extends to other areas I struggle in.
4. I learned that where you live has little to do with your happiness level. I used to think because I lived in California, had tons to do, and great weather...that was why I was happy and moving back to Indiana would make me miserable. I have been happier in the last year of my life than any year of my life. I am happy in my family, in my marriage, in my mental health, in my physical health, etc.... It is doing what is good for your soul and your spirit that makes you "Happy!"
5. I learned that the best friends I will ever have are the ones who will embrace my husband and my son as their own family and pray for them, be concerned for them, and always speak kindly of them. Those people will also respect my boundaries and not get involved in ways that are not welcome or give unsolicited advice. They simply pray and support. Thank you Lord for those friends.
Those are my 2012 learning experiences and now onto the resolutions. My resolutions will be broken up into my top five priorities and there will be 5 resolutions under each priority for a total of 25 resolutions for the year of 2013!!! I hope you are making your resolutions and believing you can get them accomplished.
Priority #1: My relationship with Christ
-- This year, I want to make a goal to read my bible all the way through again. I have done this in years past and each time I do it, I gain more from the word and the daily discipline of being in God's presence. This year I would like to dig a little deeper and focus more on the language of the times, on word meanings, and focus on where I am at as a mother in the word.
-- This year, I want to find a church in Southern Indiana that I can put roots down in. I would like to find somewhere where both Anthony and I feel at home, has a great children's ministry area, and places for Anthony and I to serve in our faith community with our spiritual gifts. I would like to visit churches in the area with the prayer of God leading this journey and not my preconceived notions of where I should be or what a church should "look like."
-- This year I want to clean up my language, thought life, and critical spirit. Although I am certainly not a trucker in my language, I use far too many negative words, far too many critical words, and spew a lot of ugly at times. This is something I would like to focus on in 2013 and become someone whose fruit is more sweet than bitter and sarcastic.
-- This year, I want to develop my spiritual disciplines to be something that is far more consistent. I would like to observe my prayer life, quiet time, solitude, church attendance, service, etc... and really focus on getting closer to God in a more consistent way. I want to have far fewer gaps in our conversations and far more moments of reflection on where I am in Him and where I am supposed to go.
-- This year, I want to focus more on developing my Proverbs 31 qualities by praying towards that, learning more about that and focusing my other goals on those tenants. I want my relationship with Anthony and Max to reflect those qualities and really see myself make improvements in this area this year.
Priority #2: My relationship with Anthony
-- This year, I want to make more focused time for Anthony on set days. We have (for several years) observed Married Monday and kept Monday quite sacred and do not commit to other people, projects, work, or obligations on that day. We have slipped a little from this and need to get back on having a more consistent time that is focused on us. I would like to make it better from my end by taking the time to plan every other Married Monday, get really ready for our dates by grooming more appropriately (I know all the ladies hear me on that!), and silence the cell phone and remind others in my life who "need" me that it is a special time for our family and it is something we are not willing to budge on readily.
-- This year, I want to make a concerted effort to lower our debt that was created during a period of unemployment and has gone on due to the move and several other factors. I would like to focus myself more on spending less on luxuries, making better financial choices, and exercising self control when money gets into our bank accounts. It is easy to build pressure and frustration in marriage when finances are out of control. Anthony and I have been lucky that we do not FIGHT over money but I would like to eliminate all areas of un-needed pressure especially in adding another person to our household and new financial obligations.
-- This year, I want to contribute more to our household by holding up my responsibilities better. I would like to have a real conversation about what would make Anthony's life easier in being a husband, father, and worker. My job as his wife is to be a helper and I would like to start to make those things a priority more than they are now. Anthony is exceptionally helpful to me and sometimes I feel less helpful to him.
-- This year, I want to focus on keeping our marriage passionate through our first year of being parents. I know that this will prove to be more complicated than it ever has but I would like to make an effort to keep our time together important and focus on our connection daily so that Max sees the parents that created him, ones that are IN LOVE and enjoy each other.
-- This year, I want to help Anthony in regards to meeting his own goals. Anthony would like to start taking college courses and further his education, learn how to play guitar, and really enjoys watching movies. I would like to make it my position this year to encourage those goals, help in any way I can, and participate in ways that would make him more excited about his personal goals.
Priority # 3: My physical health
-- This year, I want to develop a more consistent relationship with diabetes. I am currently on an insulin pump and that has drastically helped my diabetic control. I need to be more consistent with eye examinations, dental examinations, taking blood glucose daily, eating more regular meals to combat highs and lows, attending all dr appointments and following up with dr's orders, and exercising more for better glucose control.
-- This year, I want to develop a better eating schedule. I eat better than most people do, however, I often skip meals and make myself extra hungry in the evenings. It would be better for me to get back to eating 6 smaller meals per day and focus on nutritionally dense foods. I have improved my eating habits exponentially but there is certainly room for improvement.
-- This year, I want to develop my exercise habits back. When I lived in California I was very good at making daily exercise a priority due to the beautiful weather. It was considerably easier there. This year, I want to take advantage of having my sister as a walking partner, a willing and supportive spouse to walk with a new baby to take out in the fresh air. Although the weather is bad part of the year, I have multiple sources of exercise available to me and need to develop that habit again.
-- This year, I want to have better sleeping habits. Although I will have a new baby, it does not excuse not taking the time to rest and be rested for his well-being and mine. I need to set a more regular schedule for sleep and take advantage of my husband's offer to trade off getting up with Max and doing the care of Max during the day. I want to take the naps I need, get the rest I need, and not overdo caffeine in order to compensate for rest not gotten.
-- This year, I want to keep my home organized and free of clutter in order to make me feel less stressed and more at peace. I am one of those people who feels incredibly anxious in disorder and having things orderly and organized helps my mental and physical health. This year has been a very disorganized year with family crisis, being pregnant, and just adjusting to a new place so I am hoping next year I can develop more stability in these areas.
Priority #4: Mothering
-- This year, I want to spend as much time enjoying Max's first year as I can. I want to be less consumed with being perfect and more consumed with being with him. I want to learn who he is, appreciate him, pray for him, and learn how to be a good mother to him.
-- This year, I want to take better care of me overall in order to model that for Max. I want to be kind and patient with his wonderful daddy, help him see the love of Christ and make a happy home for him to grow up in.
-- This year, I want to make sure that complaining is far from my lips. I realize that being a mother is the hardest job on the planet but I also realize that people would give their left leg for the opportunity. To constantly complain about being a mother is an insult to those that struggle and spitting on the amazing blessing of Max's life.
-- This year, I want to keep Max's family here and in California well updated on who he is becoming and allow him to have the amazing privilege of having relationships with extended family. I am lucky to have really great family on every side and he is too. It is important they feel like a priority and he gets to know them while they are here.
-- This year, I want to take every opportunity to have family time that I can and keep that time sacred. Anthony and I have already specified time on our schedule that is focused on the three of us and I want to be sure that I am using that time to enjoy my family and not just be productive and busy. Sometimes soaking things up is the best way to appreciate them.
Priority # 5: Family
-- This year, I want to take my older niece and nephew one day per month on a date with Aunt Erica. I enjoy them so much and the younger ones are not yet ready but Shawn and Kaylea really enjoy that.
-- This year, I want to spend more time with the younger nieces and nephews by visiting them once per week and getting to know them more personally.
-- This year, I want to have a better relationship with my mom and sisters by delegating tasks in taking care of my mom better so that I am not resentful, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
-- This year, I want to make more of an effort to be in touch with my in-laws regarding Max and other topics so that we can build our relationship better.
-- This year, I want to help my sisters out more by offering my baby sitting services to them if possible one day every other month for them to get a break.
Okay, these are my goals/resolutions for 2013. My goal is to write on each 1st week of the month and update where I am on these goals and hopefully keep myself accountable for a better and more fulfilling year. You have probably noticed that most of my goals are relationship based and that is purposeful. For years, I have focused on achievements and accolades and this year, I am focusing on what REALLY matters for me and my home. Thanks for stopping and Happy New Year everyone!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Ranting about Ranting??!!!
Just like my heart aches when I hurt Jesus in other ways like lying, being jealous, engaging in ungodly activities, etc...or....ahem...sin it hurts when I am ugly towards others that God created. I am not sitting here and saying don't stand behind what you believe. It is your right to believe whatever you would like and it is also your right with free speech to state what you believe in written or spoken word. I am speaking more to believers in Jesus Christ here than anyone but....I am quite certain that it is not your right to judge another by being hateful, ugly, or downright cruel to them. There are ways to state your beliefs without causing others to view Christ as someone who condemns them and not someone who loves them deeply and died for anything they might do or engage in that constitutes sin. It hurts me to see the ugliest being believers.
I will not sit here and rant on without saying that sometimes I am ugly. I won't ever let you believe that there are people I don't judge. I judge bad parents,...constantly. I judge ignorant people on a daily basis. I judge Christians that try to take God's place as judge and jury. I also feel deeply convicted about that and try to take this to God daily so that he can change my heart to one of compassion and understanding so that the person may have a chance to learn from me or feel that compassion and in turn feel the love of Jesus Christ.
I try very hard not be ugly and when I catch myself....I repent. I can't imagine saying some of the things that I have seen regarding the current Christian based chicken joint, politics, gay rights, current and past presidents, and the like. Some of things I have seen that have embarrassed me deeply are from "Christians." Please stop doing things in God's name that are just plain ugly and make you look foolish and cruel. It is in distinct opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would encourage you to choose today whom you will serve....your strong opinions and your need to spew them hatefully at people or Jesus Christ who wishes to see ALL come to know him and to be loved.
Sigh...I am sad today. My heart is heavy in all of this!
Ranted out,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
My mom was transported to the nearby Nursing home on Friday as well and she is awaiting an appointment with the new surgeon who is going to redo her surgery. Hilliary (sister) will find out next week what is going on and hopefully know her next steps. Overall, I have come to these conclusions this week.
1. When it rains, it certainly pours.
2. I am the one who is "good in crisis"
3. I am grateful for good doctors who care.
4. I love my family and really hurt when they are hurt.
If you all could be in prayer for my family, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Either you are...or you aren't.
It would be very understated for me to say that I am frustrated with my Christian brothers and sisters. Lately I have seen so much ugliness within the body and it seems like no matter how much I rant about it, the next day I see something just that much uglier. If you ask almost any Christian why Jesus died on a cross for their sins, they will say something like "Because He loves me" or they will quote John 3:16 -- "For God so LOVED the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life." Love is usually the basis of a walk with Christ. He first loved us, therefore we serve and love him...etc..etc...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Screaming doesn't seem like enough!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Multiple Choice
Does everyone remember any Math class they had at all? I remember that although I have always been decent at Math, I really preferred when they would give our tests in a multiple choice format. You would have a problem in front of you and yes, you might have had to work it out on your own but there was something at the end of that problem waiting ....a set of answers...and in that set of answers, there was always the right one. Well, unless your teacher was a monster and did those NONE OF THE ABOVE ones and to that teacher, I do not have anything nice to say!
really raunchy bad decisions.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Act like you are wise!
So this morning, I was reading the bible in my quiet time and this is the verse that stuck out at me and I started to rant in my own mind. This was said by Jesus in Matthew 11:18-19. Let me give you a little context here first. Jesus is talking to a crowd of people about John the Baptist. He is explaining to the crowd that they are doubting John even though he was good at keeping the "rules" however they look at Jesus who followed almost none of the "rules" like not befriending tax collectors and sinners and trust him. He is trying to speak on behalf of John. The next verse made me almost get goosebumps. It says "But wisdom is proved by her actions." For years, through this blog I have been on a search for wisdom. I have read Proverbs more times than I can count for it is a WISDOM book written by Solomon who was seen as WISE. I have gotten faith based therapy and even tried to continue my Christian education. Wisdom seems to be my greatest goal sometimes. I have always dreamed that one day when my time on Earth is done...I would be called wise. I always try to give myself the clearest definition when looking into a topic so here...
Monday, January 23, 2012
D is for Divorce and Devastation
No Fault:
(1) Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
(1) The conviction of either of the parties, subsequent to the marriage, of a felony. (2) Impotence, existing at the time of the marriage. (3) Incurable insanity of either party for a period of at least two (2) years. (Indiana Code - Title 31 - Article 15 - Chapters: 2-3) (
Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?"
"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
"Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
I know that some of you that are reading this have been through a divorce and probably have a million reasons that it was necessary and probably some of you even line up with the verses above. I understand that and have NO judgement. I am more concerned with people's thoughts and feelings on marriage and divorce as a whole. I am more concerned with the decision to marry than with the decision to divorce.
As a therapist, I like to address the beginning of any problem because that is where we can do work and make changes that create less problems in the future. I can assure you that God's grace is sufficient for you no matter what your marital status or marital past is. But, I think it is necessary to begin having a new idea on marriage and divorce when we become Christians and want to be Christ-followers. It is important to look at marriage realistically and not ideally.
I say a lot with clients as well as with friends that marriage is difficult when it is easy and I mean that. If we go in thinking that marriage is going to be a breeze because this person completes me or whatever such nonsense we see on movies...we are making a grave error. I completely feel that if that is how we go into a marriage this is the picture we create for our future...
If we go in with our minds right knowing that it will be a challenge. There will be hard times. There will be times we don't feel warm and fuzzy. There will be times that we want to walk out but we will do everything we can to keep it alive and well...we stand a higher chance of our lives having peace and happiness. If you do not feel like you can stand with this person through these things...please don't get married. Save yourself the pain, your partner the pain and most importantly any future or current children the severe devastation that is divorce... can disagree with me and we'll be friends, that is the kind of relationships I exist in. I can handle your differing opinion.
Thanks for reading...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Jesus for President!
Most of you have probably seen the Youtube video of a young man from Washington State who does spoken word on the subject of Christianity. It is powerful to watch and think about. We all, as believers have had our moments of being completely hypocritical and this gave words to some of the thoughts that have been going through my mind lately. I have been having problems with my fellow brothers and sisters more since about 2008 and some of the political ugliness that I have seen spew out of people who call themselves Christ Followers. I have seen this mostly on social networking sites like twitter and facebook because they are "safe" forums to not have to stand up for what you believe in a Christ-like manner. It is easy to forward some racial or politically ugly picture and not be the source of it than to stand up and be counted and stand in your Christ-given freedom to not be a part of the world.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I have a Dream...
Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, I have decided to write my own, 2012 I have a Dream Speech. I hope you all are encouraged to dream for bigger and better things in the new year.
Friday, January 13, 2012
So Anthony and I have recently become really into a television show on Netflix that only has 13 episodes. Yep, you guessed from the picture above, Prison Wives. The premise of the show is that each episode focuses on one family who has one spouse in the penitentiary. Generally it is a man in jail, therefore the show is called Prison WIVES. Each episode gets more ridiculous than the last in that there is a woman (usually) who is pining away for a man they started to write to as a pen-pal while he was incarcerated and "fell in love" with him. I won't say that there are not exceptions like the woman was married to a man before she found out he was a hit man for the mob and she stayed married to him despite his life sentence without the possibility of parole. Most of them, however, are women who got involved after the sentence was passed down and to be honest, most of these stories have been murder charges which is really troubling.
- Only you can decide how you want to be treated. If you don't want to wait for someone to make up their mind, move on.
- People are usually exactly who they are. If the person you are seeing is being rude or disrespectful...they are being honest. Believe THEM!
- Marriage is incredibly hard even when you feel the same about each other, get along, and have mutual respect. Why add difficulty to it by being with someone who is half there, rude, disrespectful, combative and stupid!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
January 10, 2012
My biggest fears.
We all have fears. Some of us are afraid of heights, some of spiders and snakes, some of perverted clowns (wait, that just me?) and some of us of our own bodies. My biggest fear that has been plaguing me for a while is my battle with Diabetes. First of all;
Monday, January 09, 2012
January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Side-tracked: Cause (someone) to be distracted from an immediate or important issue.
January 8, 2012
Dear Jesus,
Coming Home
Saturday, January 07, 2012
The truth, the whole truth....
So tonight, I was talking with some girl-friends and we were talking about how difficult it is to be an honest person anymore. It seems like nobody really wants to hear the truth. I am the opposite. I like when the people in my life can be honest. I like when I can hear from a friend "Erica, you hurt my feelings" and make right on that problem. I was glad when I was dating when a guy would say outright to me, "I am not looking to get married, just have fun together." This made my decision making process so much easier. I could judge it against what my desires were and move on if appropriate.
January 7, 2012
Friday, January 06, 2012
January 6, 2012
Dear Jesus,
Thursday, January 05, 2012
January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
January 3, 2012
Dear Jesus,
Monday, January 02, 2012
January 2, 2012
Dear Jesus,
Sunday, January 01, 2012
January 1, 2012 Thankfulness
My blog has been a friend to me for so many years. I started back in 2005, fresh out of a long relationship and after graduating with my Bachelor's Degree. I had no idea that 7 years later I would still be writing and would have my Master's Degree, a fantastic husband, 6 nieces and nephews, and be living back in Southern Indiana. God has certainly taken me on a journey these last 7 years. When I go back in the archives of this blog and read in 2005, 2006, etc... I realize that God has really guided my steps, grown me up, and changed me through the introspection of this blog. I am resolving to write much more in 2012 and get back to where I once was, reflecting on each day and all that God had me to learn. This blog has always been for me, but I have seen it really help others, change people's minds, and even deepen relationships in my life. I find it a place where I can be me. I don't mean the socially acceptable me that says the right things so to not ruffle feathers but the me that says it exactly how it is in my view. I do not claim to know it all or even have a handle on everything in MY life but I know that this blog has helped me realize growth and look back at the things God has done when I had questions before.