That's my batman! Tonight Anthony and I decided to watch one of our Christmas gifts, "The Dark Knight." Anthony's brother David got us the dvd for Christmas and this is the first time we have gotten around to watching it. It was stinkin amazing. I should note that my husband loves these kinds of movies and I love batman so there we have a match made in heaven. Here are my thoughts on the dark knight.
First of all, it was so sad to see such brillance in the joker and think about Heath Ledger no longer being able to portray him. I think that Christian Bale is a magnificent Batman although I have to admit that Michael Keaton will always be batman to me. I also love that they chose Michael Caine to portray Alfred Pennyworth. I have loved Michael Caine in so many films and he was a perfect Alfred.
There are so many great choices that they made for this movie and Batman's toys are completely amazing. I wanted to drive that batman motorcyle thing the minute it came out of the main batmobile. It was just the best movie I have seen for a long time. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about it! I admit that it was very dark and sometimes a bit scary but again, great film.
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