Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New Years Resoultions update!

Well, I made a committment at the first of each month to evaluate where I am on my New Years Resolutions and kind of take inventory. Today, I am going to do that since it's March 1st. Can you believe it's already march? It's amazing to me! Here is the update on all 50 resolutions.

1. Lose the rest of my weight: Well this has been very frustrating in the new year. I have joined a gym, changed some things, and really noticed my lack of self-control in eating patterns. My starting weight was incorrect on Day # 1 because I gained some weight in Indiana so I started the new year at 240 lbs. I am now at 241 lbs so obviously there is no weight lost and one pound gained. I have been having a hard time lately and I am hoping that starting weight training and pushing eating habits will help. I just recently also started a food journal. Please pray I can get it together.

2. Decide where to go to Grad School and apply to all schools considered: I am not doing this after much thought. I am not quite ready emotionally for grad school and really not ready financially as I am really in need of paying some bills down and rethinking some strategies. Overall, this resolution will be dropped from the list!

3. Get into a graduate school in a clinical psych program: This is another one that obviously doesn't apply anymore. I made my decision in February that it just wasn't time as well as rethinking some of my plans. I am gearing toward changing some ideas. Psychology is always going to be the goal but something is leading me toward behavioral analysis and things of that nature. We'll see!

4. Get a second job that I don't hate and make at least $3,000 a month: As you all know, this one has been a struggle. I decided also in February to really seek out a position in the field of psychology so I have been digging deep. My availablity with the nanny job is very hard on me finding a new job. Keep praying on this one and I will pick up the pace!

5. Pay off the Cavie in full and save $200 a month from May on: I haven't paid the cavie off and it won't be paid off until December of this year. I am looking forward to actually not having the loan payment anymore.

6. Go home for Britt's graduation in May: I really need prayer for this one folks. As I do not have a second job, I have no extra money to pay for a plane ticket. I really want to see Britt Graduate so please keep me in prayer for some extra cash to put aside for the ticket!

7. Pay $250 a month on accumulated debt in an attempt to pay off: Yeah right, no second job equals no extra money! Please keep praying for a job!

8. Handle Student Loans and make sure they are consolidated: Woo hoo. I accomplished this one today. I talked with a guy today and we made this happen. It looks doable but again, really need a job soon!

9. Find a church that I really like and attend faithfully: I haven't been to church at all in the new year so I am feeling pretty rotten about this resolution. I am hoping to get to church this next sunday..please pray that I obey this and do it! It's so hard the first time!

10. Develop a consistent and healthy relationship with my father no matter what: I really think I am doing well at this. My dad and I email each other about once a week and we are starting to delve into things that bother us both. I am hoping that each week brings a new step to this and we can stay up on it. This isn't really a goal that gets accomplished as much as just gets worked on.

11. Learn something new everyday in 2005 and record those lessons in my blog and journal: I am very proud to say that I do this every single day. If I miss a day in the blog, I make it up by still writing my learning and thankfulness. I am proud of this accomplishment!

12. Read through the Bible for the second time around: I have to be honest, I have not been doing very well on this goal. I have read about twice the whole year. I need to get into my Bible again.

13. Test blood sugar at least once a week throughout 2005: Not one bit have I done this goal. I need to test because I am no longer on insulin but I haven't tested the entire year. I really need to get onto this goal!

14. Weigh myself every Saturday of 2005 and record in a journal: I have accomplished this every single Saturday this year! Woo hoo!

15.Make sure and tell the people I love that I love them every time I talk to them in 2005: I have really kept this one as well. This is something I value so much and I try to love people the best way I know how. This is something I am doing well at.

16. Maintain good email and phone contact with my friends and family. At least one call or email per week to each person: not doing perfect at this but have done better in the new year. I hope to do better at this. Sorry to those of you feel I am failing you in this respect.

17. Send one random card a month to people I love and let them know what I feel about them: In February I did this but it was an E-card. I feel like I did the task somewhat and I completed this in January. I am hoping to touch someone's heart in March!

18. Buy one dress and wear it out in 2005: not yet, not confident in my own skin just yet.

19. Buy a swimsuit and wear it in front of someone in 2005 (non family member): Same applies here.

20. Have at least 2 professional pictures taken in 2005 to document any weight loss: not up for new pictures yet. Just had some done. Check them out at http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/psychgrad/index4.html They were with my family in December.

21. Maintain web-site well and keep it updated with new photos and news: So far I am doing great at this and maintaining it well. Go check it out and take all of the new polls, view the new pages, and enjoy the memories!

22. Take as many pictures as I can afford to take: I have only taken one roll in the new year and that was all I could afford.

23. Create a scrapbook of all of my pictures and make those memories last: I have started my scrapbook and it's amazing so far. I can't wait for all of you to see it. I have blogged about it a little and it's precious to me. I am excited about my new hobbie. It brings out my femininity and helps me create lasting memories. I am excited about it!

24. Go on a cruise to Mexico with my favorite Boy!: Still working on this...I am hoping funds will allow and we will find time. There is time though and possibly might have to do it in the summer or fall. :( Unsure

25. Visit Josh in Colorado during the summer: I am doing everything I can to head out to see Josh. I miss him so much right now as he is in London. I am looking forward to chilling with him and enjoying some us time! :)

26. Finish reading Atlas Shrugged: I officially have a deadline for this now. Joel is going away to Costa Rica for a bit and it is actually his book I am borrowing and I promised him to be done with it when he gets back..I have a goal now! WOO HOO. I am loving this book but it's a really hard read when you are limited on time. It's a priority I have to make though!

27. Have Carrie out at my place sometime in 2005: This is in the works, I am going to pray that Carrie gets time off and finances to do this. I can't wait to have her out. Need to check in on her about this!

28. Save money for Christmas to be able to get the people I love something great: Not a red cent has been saved yet due to the job crisis. I really need a job, have I mentioned that?

29. Pray everyday no matter how I am feeling or what I am doing wrong. Go humbly before the throne of God daily: I have failed miserably at this one. I have prayed about a handful of times this whole year. I have to get it together. My relationship with God is not very good right now!

30. Pay off hospital bills in Collections as soon as possible in 2005: Haven't had the opportunity to do anything above and beyond my everyday bills in the new year :(

31. Eat breakfast every day of 2005: I have done pretty well on this because I eat breakfast with Chris. On the weekends I struggle with this.

32. Take a multivitamin every day of 2005: This goes along with breakfast because I take the vitamin with Breakfast!

33. Drink 64 ounces of water every day of 2005: I come close to this everyday being that water is my only beverage. I think I come very close to this goal.

34. Work out in some way every day of 2005. This can be taking a short walk, doing weights, aerobics, shopping, etc...but I must be intentionally moving every day: I mostly meet this goal with a few slip ups here and there.

35. Lose 35 lbs at least by May when I come home for Britt's graduation: I haven't lost any weight yet and it's upsetting me. I could use some prayer as I really want to make my goal.

36. Work arms out at least 3 days a week due to them being very weak: Just recently I have added weight training to my regime and working hard on upper body, lower body, and abs! I joined 24 hour fitness for this purpose.

37. Work abs out 4 days a week in 2005. I have terrible love handles: Same goes for this one!

38. Have graduate school application in by February 1, 2005 to Vanguard: Does not apply as I am postponing grad school.

39. Save $10.00 of each paycheck in 2005 at least and place in a savings account in order to develop some savings: Haven't had any money to save as of yet.

40. Record all spending in 2005 to see where all of my money goes. (my guess is food): This has been found to be bills and gas in the new year! GAS IS A HUGE ONE!!

41. Get over Adolfo in 2005 by actually dealing with all of our baggage: I haven't spoken to Adolfo in a long time which is the idea and have been working through some of the huge things that got in our way and created problems.

42. Have a beautiful V-day in 2005 even if I don't have a date by loving myself: I had a great V-day even though there was no special guy. I was happy and established in my singlehood and 1 year free of misery!

43. Get dental work done in 2005 fixing my broken tooth and possibly more: I haven't had the extra money or insurance to do this yet.

44. Limit intake of red meat to 3 times a week in 2005: I try to stay true to this goal as it's a good one for my health.

45. Eat no pork products in 2005: I try very hard to stay away from pork in any way!

46. Read at least one psychology type book every two months in 2005...totaling 6 books in all throughout 2005: I have read one already and moving onto a second one.

47. Take lessons to learn something new in 2005 regardless of what it is...piano, karate, guitar, drums, etc... whatever comes to mind: Yes, I started piano lessons yesterday and although I think it is going to present a huge challenge to me, I am stoked about it. It's hard and will require a lot of my time, I am excited about learning even one song and understanding the notes.

48. Write one thing each day that I am thankful for in order to fully develop a sense of gratefulness toward God: I have done this everyday and record this in the blog. It's truly a growth experience to know what is good in my life. (Stay tuned for my learning and thankfulness later)

49. Practice giving others space in 2005 by limiting phone calls and things such as that when I feel I have gone overboard: I have been doing better and better at this. There is one person who I feel I have finally learned enough to understand their point of view and respect it. I love this part of our relationship!

50. Use caution and be protected in every case. Don't take stupid risks!!! (you know what this means Erica): I have not taken any stupid risks and still feel very smart about things.

Ok, well this is where I am on my resolutions. I will get back with you next month on these and until then, stay tuned!

Here are my learning and thankfulness for yesterday:

Learning February 28, 2005:

1. I like February becuase it's short..it doesn't feel all special like the other months and need so many days.

2. Piano is great but is going to be very hard.

3. I loved hearing from an old friend and catching up.

4. I love learning new things.

5. Hannah is an incredible piano teacher.

Thankfulness February 28, 2005:

I am thankful that Nick Pridemore called me yesterday and caught up with me after a few years of no contact. Nick is leaving for Iraq on Saturday if you could extend your prayers his way. Also, he and his wife, Merry, are expecting a little boy in August. Please just saturate these two precious people with your prayers. God thank you for Nick and Merry! Thank you for Nick's call and hey Nick, thanks dude!


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