Friday, February 11, 2005

I hate abuse!

There are few things that I will use the word HATE about but abuse is the # 1 of this list. I hate abuse. Recently I have been watching a lot of abuse happen, not to me necessarily but to those I love. For example, Christopher, my little sis, my friends, etc..and it's killing me. I can only do so much as a person outside of my realm of control and it's sad to me that I can't do much. I basically just step in where needed and then pray until something breaks in the situation. I am just disheartened to see so much abuse in the world. I know this will prevail until Jesus comes back. It is most sad to see a man or woman of God doing the abusing but you know, we aren't perfect I suppose.

So, my subgoals thing is going pretty well. Yesterday I met all of my 4 goals and it felt excellent. I feel like I am getting somewhere if I set goals and really make myself move on them. Today the goals are:

1. Pray at least 30 minutes
2. Journal about things I really miss about Adolfo.
3. Work out at least 45 minutes
4. Research a new topic about psych and learn something new.

Basically today I have done 3 out of the 4 goals. I have prayed, journaled, and worked out. I am getting ready to look into the psych thing and spend some time learning. I just love pushing myself to new heights. I feel very motivated today and for that, I am glad. Today in Southern California, there is rain coming in different ways all the time. For about 30 minutes it will come down hard and then drizzle and then move to sideways stinging rain (imagine me saying that just like Forrest Gump!) Pretty miserable outside but I am using it to catch up on some reading!

Anyway, I am overwhelmed with new things in my life but honestly, loving every minute of it. I am going to learn so much out of this parenting gig. I know I am not Chris' mother but it feels like I am learning so much about parenting through it. I love him so much and have never felt this much love before for someone. I have never been so protective of someone's life or future.

So anyway, please be good to each other today as I am sick of hearing about abuse. I would like us to start holding ourselves to that golden rule for once. I am going to work on that today, treating others as I myself would like to be treated!

Here are my learning and thankfulness for yesterday:

1. I can accomplish things if I push myself really hard.

2. It takes approximately an hour to put one bracket of braces back on.

3. Some people should NEVER have had kids.

4. I love my family, they are so supportive of me.

5. I can reinstate hard relationships when my head gets clear.

Thankfulness February 10, 2005:

I am thankful for a talk with a friend last night that was hard but good. I am thankful that he is a man of virtue and character who didn't forget I was alive or stop caring for me. I am thankful that a man of God is actually that, a man of God! I am thankful that he knows our weaknesses and our abilities yet loves me enough to stick it out with me. Thanks friend and thanks God!


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