Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Interview went great! Thanks for prayers

Hey everyone! I just got out of my interview about a 1/2 hour ago from the home loan firm place. It went very well. The man I interviewed with is a Christian and is totally nice. We had a nice interview and it looks good. He has a few more people to interview however and that might be more qualified. I have no idea in that realm. I found the position very interesting and thought it would be challenging to me which is always a plus. It seemed that we hit it off and he seemed impressed with my personality and experience.

I have no knowledge of the home loan business but I learn very quickly and would like to learn about it since everyone one time or another looks into buying a house. I think it would be a good experience for me in the time of grad school just to learn and make some $$$. He also mentioned that the job would involve some bonuses which is always a good thing since I am looking to start a nice little savings account.

An update on grad school is that Vanguard does not take applications for Clinical psych in the spring so I won't be applying until fall 2005. I was wishing to be in school in the spring but I just look at this as God's will and totally will be fine with the Fall. This gives me some time to pay off bills and be prepared for the work load of school and work again. Things are much better in the eating area since I am so busy right now. Please pray that I stay busy so that my health will be ok.

I am excited about the next few days. Tomorrow I am going out to lunch with friends and spending the day with one of my favorite boys. I am stoked about that. Later on this week I am also taking Jaylie to Downtown Disney for an outing so that should be fun. Please pray everything goes as planned and continue praying about this possible job I might have! I will find out Thursday! Keep me in prayer people and thank you so much!


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