Saturday, January 01, 2005

1-10 resolutions for 2005!

Happy New Years Everyone! 2005 is finally here and boy oh boy am I going to spank it this year!!!!! Here are my resolutions...1-10.

1. Lose the rest of my weight. Current weight 228 lbs---Goal weight 125 lbs. (still to lose 103 lbs)

2. Decide where to go for Graduate School and apply to all schools considered.

3. Get into a graduate school in a clinical psych program.

4. Get a second job that I don't hate and make at least $3,000 a month.

5. Pay off the Cavie in full and save $200 a month from May on.

6. Go home for Britt's graduation in May.

7. Pay $250 a month on accumulated debt in an attempt to pay off.

8. Handle Student Loans and make sure they are consolidated.

9. Find a church that I really like and attend faithfully.

10. Develop a consistent and healthy relationship with my father no matter what.

Ok, there are 1-10 of the new resolutions. I will be writing more as they progress. I have mini goals and mega goals such as the ones above. Well, I should get going. Happy New Years everyone and make 2005 count! ~Shalom~

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